HSL Luchtvaart Maglev Publicatie

Presentation at Maglev 2024

From September 18th to 22nd, the international Maglev 2024 conference was held in Malmö, Sweden. At this conference the international community of Maglev-related researchers, developers, planners, architects and interestees assembled to share knowledge and insights. Stichting Freedom of Mobility also participated again with a poster session and presentation.

On Thursday, September 19th, we gave a presentation “Case for Maglev in the Netherlands connecting airports and stations – A feasibility study in progress”.

As the study into connecting the airports to the railway network, possibly using intercity Maglev, is only in an early stage, we limited the presentation to a brief introduction of the location of the airports, the airport line, A2 corridor, followed by insights into the study and some preliminary data.

After the introduction, we shared the background and methods to make a realistic cost estimate in the Dutch situation, especially for Maglev.

We posted the slide-presentation on vimeo (note: vimeo is an external site that places cookies)

Luchtvaart Publicatie

Luchthavenlijn, A2 corridor en internationale verbindingen

Mobiliteit kan men zien als schakels van modaliteiten, elk met een eigen optimale afstand en frequentie. Lopen en fietsen vormen samen met het lokale, regionale en nationale vervoer één systeem.

Internationaal gezien vormen de luchthavens samen een netwerk dat landen verbindt. Dan is het toch logisch om onze luchthavens ook aan te sluiten op ons nationale systeem? Hoe zouden we dat kunnen doen? De A2-snelwegcorridor ligt alvast bijna tussen Schiphol en Eindhoven airport. En kunnen we ook nachttreinen en hogesnelheidstreinen inzetten als vliegtuigvervanger voor kortere afstanden?

Lees meer in onze brochure over onze visie op internationale verbindingen en het belang van het spoor en vliegverkeer voor ons land.

voorblad brochure luchthavenlijn
Download PDF brochure “Luchthavenlijn, A2-corridor en internationale verbindingen” (5,5 MB)
Luchtvaart Publicatie

Airport line and international connections

Mobility can be regarded as links of transport modalities, each with its own optimal distance and frequency. Walking and cycling, together with local, regional and national transport, form a single system.

From an international point of view, the airports together also form a network that connects countries. Shouldn’t we then also connect the airports to our national system for those distances where aircraft are most suitable? And how? Can we also use night trains and high-speed trains?

Read more in our brochure about our vision on international connections (working document) and the importance of rail and air traffic for the Netherlands.

cover page brochure airport line, click to download as 13 MB PDF
Download PDF brochure “Airport line and international connections” (13 MB)

HSL Luchtvaart Opinie

(Nederlands) Presentatie op LetsGro 2019

Sorry, this entry is only available in Nederlands.

Luchtvaart Opinie Vakbladen

(Nederlands) Investeer niet in een PRT op luchthaven Rotterdam-The Hague

Sorry, this entry is only available in Nederlands.